maze←{⎕IO ⎕ML←0 1                               ⍝ Kidz maze.

    ⍺←2⊃⎕AI ⋄ ⎕RL←⍺                             ⍝ ⍺ is random link

    init←{                                      ⍝ make nmat and cmat.
        indx←⍳1+2×⍵                             ⍝ index set for maze.
        nmat←¯1+××/↑(⊂⍵+1)|⍳⍵+2                 ⍝ nmat: 0-free ¯1-edge.
        cells←∧/↑2|indx                         ⍝ mask of cell positions.
        types←⍉2⊥⍉↑2|¯2↑¨indx                   ⍝ character types.
        cmat(cells+types)⊃¨⊂'+-|∘ '            ⍝ initially closed cells.
        portsindx∊{⍵((indx)-⍵+1)}0≠⍳⍴⍵        ⍝ entry/exit ports.
        node targ←1⌈0 1×⊂⊂⍵                     ⍝ start at entrance and exit.
        ctrlnmat+↑1 2+.×(⊂⍳2+⍵)∊¨node targ     ⍝ ctrl array.
        dispports select cmat'↓'               ⍝ display array.
        (ctrl disp)(node targ)                  ⍝ initial arrays.
    }                                           ⍝ (c d)(fm to)←:: size

    fill←{                                      ⍝ connect remaining cells.
        nmat cmat←⍵                             ⍝ ctrl arrays and free cells.
        free←0 cells nmat                       ⍝ remaining free cells.
        0=⍴free:nmat cmat                       ⍝ no free cells: finished.
        node←⊂rand free                         ⍝ select cell at random.
        ctrl(cask node)select nmat ⍺           ⍝ fuller control array.
        (⍺+1)∇ ⍺ path(ctrl cmat)(node)         ⍝ control and display arrays.
    }                                           ⍝ :: tag ∇ c d → c d

    path←{                                      ⍝ dig path through maze.
        fm to←⍺                                 ⍝
        mats(node targ)←⍵                       ⍝ current state and end points.
        matz(next home)←(mats fm)extend node    ⍝ extend current tree.
        home:matz                               ⍝ paths meet: finished.
        to fmmatz(targ next)                 ⍝ extend other path.
    }                                           ⍝ :: tag ∇ (c d)(fm to) → c d

    extend←{                                    ⍝ extend path from posn ⍵.
        (nmat cmat)tag←⍺                        ⍝ ctrl arrays and path colour.
        tags(⊂¨⍵+incr)⊃¨⊂nmat                  ⍝ neighbouring cell tags.
        poss(~tagstag ¯1)/⍵+incr              ⍝ possible nodes.
        0=⍴poss:⍺ ∇⊂rand tag cells nmat         ⍝ none: restart at random cell.
        next←⊂rand poss                         ⍝ select node at random.
        home←×nextnmat                         ⍝ set connection flag.
        ctrl(cask next)select ⍬ ⍵⊃¨⊂nmat       ⍝ new control array.
        dmskdask next+⍵-1                      ⍝ display mask.
        dispdmsk select cmat' '                ⍝ new display array.
        (ctrl disp)(next home)                  ⍝ new node and connection flag.
    }                                           ⍝ :: (c d)tag ∇ path → (c d)(fm to)

    fold←{                                      ⍝ Nial-type folding of array.
        2≥⍴⍴⍵:⍵                                 ⍝ matrix or lower: done
        nxt←∇¨⊂⍤¯1⊢⍵                            ⍝ vectorize along first axis
        dep←|≡nxt                               ⍝ depth
        0=2|dep:nxt                             ⍝ even depth: done
        spc←⊂(dep÷2)1⍴' '                      ⍝ sub-array vert spacing.
        ⍪∘(spc∘⍪)/↑∘,∘↓¨nxt                     ⍝ sub-arrays down the screen.

    ldc←{                                       ⍝ conv to line draw chars.
        1<|≡⍵:∇¨⍵                               ⍝ nested: conv simple arrays.
        M(1+⍴⍵)↑⍵                              ⍝ extra row col for rotate.
        R(1 ¯1⌽¨⊂M),1 ¯1⊖¨⊂M                   ⍝ rotations of char mat.
        N(M='+')×⊃1 2 4 8+.×R≠' '              ⍝ each neighbour of each +.
        ldcsN⊃¨⊂'.───│┌┐┬│└┘┴│├┤┼'             ⍝ box drawing chars.
        S(×N)select M ldcs                     ⍝ subs corner chars.
        ¯1 ¯1↓(⊃1 2+.×S∘=¨'-|')select S'─' '│'  ⍝ subs horiz and vert.

    select←{⍺⊃¨↑,¨/⍵}                           ⍝ ⍺-select items of vector ⍵.
    cask(⍳2+⍵)∘∊                               ⍝ control array mask.
    dask(⍳1+2×⍵)∘∊                             ⍝ display array mask.
    rand←{(?⍴⍵)⊃⍵}                              ⍝ random pick from vector.
    cells(,⍳2+⍵){(,⍺=⍵)/⍺⍺}                    ⍝ coords of ⍺-cells.
    incr←,1 ¯1∘.×=∘⊂⍨⍳⍴⍵                        ⍝ incremental steps.
    ctrl disp←3 fill 1 2 path init ⍵            ⍝ randomly excavate maze.
    ldc fold disp                               ⍝ fold to fit across page.


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