joy←{                                             ⍝ Subset of the Joy language.
                                                  ⍝ (Manfred von Thun)
    eval←{                                        ⍝ op list evaluation
        stk I(op ops)←⍵                           ⍝ stack and next operator
        (op)∊⊃⍺:⍺ prt stk I((dref op)cat ops)  ⍝ name dereference from dict ⍺
        f(fr rr)←f rstk                          ⍝ top two stack items
        c←{op≡⍵~' '}                              ⍝ case: match ignoring blanks

        c'dip    ':⍺('*⌷'rgs{⍺ prt rr I(f cat fr ops)})⍵ ⍝    [f] b → f b
        c'cons   ':⍺('*⌷'rgs{⍺ prt((fr f)rr)I ops})⍵     ⍝    a [b] → [a b]
        c'i      ':⍺('⌷'rgs{⍺ prt r I(f cat ops)})⍵      ⍝      [f] → f
        c'swap   ':⍺('**'rgs{⍺ prt(fr(f rr))I ops})⍵     ⍝      a b → b a
        c'branch ':⍺('∧⌷⌷'rgs branch)⍵                   ⍝ c[t] [f] → c:t⋄f
        c'stack  ':⍺ prt(stk stk)I ops                   ⍝      a b → a b [b a]
        c'unstack':⍺('⌷'rgs{⍺ prt f I ops})⍵             ⍝  c [a b] → b a
        c'concat ':⍺('⌷⌷'rgs{⍺ prt((fr cat f)rr)I ops})⍵ ⍝   [a][b] → [a b]
        c'uncons ':⍺('⍞'rgs uncons)⍵                     ⍝    [a b] → a [b]
        c'small  ':⍺('*'rgs(1 smallish))⍵                ⍝            ∊ 0[]1[a]
        c'pop    ':⍺('*'rgs{⍺ prt r I ops})⍵             ⍝      a b → a
        c'null   ':⍺('*'rgs(0 smallish))⍵                ⍝            ∊ 0[]
        c'pred   ':⍺('1'rgs{⍺ prt((¯1 adj f)r)I ops})⍵   ⍝        n → --n
        c'succ   ':⍺('0'rgs{⍺ prt((1 adj f)r)I ops})⍵    ⍝        n → ++n
        c'dup    ':⍺('*'rgs{⍺ prt(f(f r))I ops})⍵        ⍝      a b → a b b
        c'swons  ':⍺('⌷*'rgs{⍺ prt((f fr)rr)I ops})⍵     ⍝    [a] b → [b a]
        c'reverse':⍺('⌷'rgs{⍺ prt(('∘'rev f)r)I ops})⍵   ⍝    [a b] → [b a]
        c'step   ':⍺('⌷⌷'rgs step)⍵                      ⍝ [a b][f] → a f b f
        c'times  ':⍺('0⌷'rgs times)⍵                     ⍝    n [f] → f --n [f]
        c'id     ':⍺ prt stk I ops                       ⍝        a → a
        c'primrec':⍺('*⌷⌷'rgs primrec)⍵                  ⍝ primitive recursion
        c'binrec ':⍺('⌷⌷⌷⌷'rgs binrec)⍵                  ⍝ binary recursion
        ∨/c¨⊃arith:⍺('00'rgs arth)⍵                      ⍝ arithmetic functions
        ∨/c¨⊃relat:⍺('00'rgs rels)⍵                      ⍝ relational functions
        c'DEFINE ':⍺ define stk I ops                    ⍝ a == ..; b == ..; .
        c'quit   ':stk I'∘'                              ⍝ exit returning stack
        ⍺ prt(op stk)I ops                               ⍝ default: op → stack
    }                                                    ⍝ :: Repl (see below)

    ⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝ primitive operators and define:

    uncons←{                                ⍝ uncons: separation of first item
        (stk(hd tl))I(op ops)←⍵             ⍝     [a b c]
        ⍺ prt(tl(hd stk))I ops              ⍝ →   a [b c]
    }                                       ⍝ :: Oper

    step←{                                  ⍝ step: op applied to list items
        (stk list seq)I(op ops)←⍵           ⍝ [a b] [ops] │ step
        list≡'∘':⍺ prt stk I ops            ⍝ null list: done
        hd tllist                          ⍝ head and tail of list
        nxtseq cat tl(seq(op ops))         ⍝ recursive call on step
        ⍺ prt(hd stk)I nxt                  ⍝ → a │ ops [b] [ops] step
    }                                       ⍝ :: Oper

    times←{                                 ⍝ times: iteration
        (stk count seq)I(op ops)←⍵          ⍝ count and operand sequence
        count≡,'0':⍺ prt stk I ops          ⍝ 0 [seq]│ →  │
        pred←¯1 adj count                   ⍝ --n
        nxtseq cat pred(seq(op ops))       ⍝ next iteration
        ⍺ prt stk I nxt                     ⍝ n [seq]│ →  │seq --n[seq]times
    }                                       ⍝ :: Oper

    branch←{                                ⍝  true [t] [f] → t
        (stk torf t f)I(op ops)←⍵           ⍝ false [t] [f] → f
        ''≡seqtorf pick f t:⍺ error ⍵      ⍝ neither true nor false: error
        ⍺ prt stk I(seq cat ops)            ⍝ eval of selected branch
    }                                       ⍝ :: Oper

    smallish{                              ⍝ 0-null or 1-small
        (stk val)I(op ops)←⍵                ⍝ stack and ops
        null val:⍺ prt('true'stk)I ops      ⍝ 0 or []: true
        ⍺⍺=0:⍺ prt('false'stk)I ops         ⍝ null: fails
        smallbool(val≡,'1')∨'∘'≡⊃⌽val      ⍝ 1 or [val]: true
        ⍺ prt(small stk)I ops               ⍝ true or false
    }                                       ⍝ ⍺⍺ ∇∇ :: Oper

    arth←{                                  ⍝ primitive arithmetic: + - * / ...
        (stk m n)I(op ops)←⍵                ⍝ m & n are numeric values
        neg←{(,'1')≡⍺<nats ⍵}⍣(op≡,'-')     ⍝ negative number test
        1≡m neg n:⍺ error ⍵                 ⍝ negative: error
        op n∧.≡,¨'/0':⍺ error ⍵             ⍝ divide-by-0: error
        fn←⍎arith dref op                   ⍝ equivalent APL function
        ⍺ prt((m fn nats n)stk)I ops        ⍝ m n│+ → (m+n)│ etc
    }                                       ⍝ :: Oper

    rels←{                                  ⍝ primitive relational: < <= = ...
        (stk m n)I(op ops)←⍵                ⍝ m & n are numeric values
        fn←⍎relat dref op                   ⍝ equivalent APL function
        ⍺ prt((boolm fn nats n)stk)I ops   ⍝ m n│< → (m<n)│ etc
    }                                       ⍝ :: Oper

    primrec←{                               ⍝ primitive recursion
        (stk val acc seq)I(op ops)←⍵        ⍝ stack and operators
        null val:⍺ prt(acc cat stk)I ops    ⍝ null[acc][seq] → acc
        '?'≡hd tl←{                         ⍝ deconstruction of value ⍵:
            num ⍵:⍵(¯1 adj)               ⍝ number: self and predecessor
            atom ⍵:'?' ⋄ ⍵                  ⍝ list:   head and tail
        }val:⍺ error ⍵                      ⍝ no prior: error
        stklist seq acc tl stk             ⍝ tail[acc][seq]│
        nxtlist op hd'swap'(seq cat ops)   ⍝   │primrec head swap seq ...
        ⍺ prt stk I nxt                     ⍝ recurse
    }                                       ⍝ :: Oper

    binrec←{                                ⍝ binary recursion
        (stk T B F J)I(op ops)←⍵            ⍝ test, base, fork, join
        sublist T B F J op'∘'              ⍝ sub == [T] [B] [F] [J] binrec
        lftlist sub'dip' '∘'               ⍝ lft == [sub]dip
        rec←↑cat/F lft sub J                ⍝ rec == [F] lft sub J
        nxtlist T B rec'ifte'ops           ⍝ nxt == [T] [B] [rec] ifte ...
        ⍺ prt stk I nxt                     ⍝ recurse
    }                                       ⍝ :: Oper

    define←{                                ⍝ extended dictionary
        _ _(_(eq rrr))←stk I(name rr)←⍵     ⍝ name == defn .
        name≡,'.':⍺ prt stk I rr            ⍝ null defn: 'DEFINE == .'
        ~eq≡'==':⍺ err ⍵                    ⍝ missing ==
        body ops term←'∘'{                  ⍝ defn body and remainder
            ⍵≡'∘':⍺ ∇(,'.')⍵                ⍝ end of tokens: gratuitous dot
            f r←⍵                           ⍝ first and remaining tokens
            ~(f)∊,¨'.;':f ⍺ ∇ r            ⍝ more: accumulated defn
            ('∘'rev)r f                   ⍝ end of defn
        }rrr                                ⍝ body of definition
        dict←↓name body,↑⍺                  ⍝ extended dictionary
        term≡,';':dictstk I ops          ⍝ more defs: a=b; c=d;...
        dict prt stk I ops                  ⍝ evaluation of remaining ops
    }                                       ⍝ :: Repl

    error←{                                 ⍝ primitive operator error
        sargs I ops←⍵                       ⍝ state with uncurried args
        stk args(sargs)(1↓sargs)          ⍝ stack and arg-vector
        arity←¯1+⍴sargs                     ⍝ number of args
        ⍺ err{⍵ I ops}arity{                ⍝ print error & continue
            ⍺=0:stk                         ⍝ end of arg vector
            (⊃⍵)((⍺-1)∇ 1↓⍵)                ⍝ first and remainder
        }⌽sargs                             ⍝ reversed for stack
    }                                       ⍝ :: Oper

    ⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝ support functions:

    adj←{                                   ⍝ ⍺-adjacent number, succ or pred
        ⍵≡,⊃⍺⌽'??0':'?'                     ⍝ 0 pred: error
        w f(0⌈⍺)⌽'09'                      ⍝ wrap and fill digits
        n←-+/∧\w=⌽⍵                         ⍝ number of trailing wrap digits
        hn↓⍵                               ⍝ leading non-wrap digits
        d(⎕D⍳⊃⌽h)(⍺⌽⎕D),'1'               ⍝ carried-to digit
        v(¯1↓h),d,(-n)/f                   ⍝ adjacent number
        ((n≠0)∧'0'≡⊃v)v                    ⍝   normalised
    }                                       ⍝ :: num ← dirn ∇ num

    dump←{                                  ⍝ formatted dump of machine state ⍵
        stk I ops←⍵                         ⍝ final machine state
        fstk fopsstk fmts ops              ⍝ format of stack and op stream
        fstk,(×⍴fops)/'│',fops              ⍝ stack[│any remaining operators]
    }                                       ⍝ :: ⍞ ← ∇ State

    fmt←{                                   ⍝ format of cons list
        ⍵≡'∘':''                            ⍝ end of list: done
        f r←⍵                               ⍝ first and rest
        join←{⍺,(⍵≡'')↓' ',⍵}               ⍝ blank separated
        atom f:(f)joinr                 ⍝ format of atom
        '[',(f),']'joinr               ⍝ format of list
    }                                       ⍝ :: ⍞ ← ∇ List

    rgs{                                   ⍝ valence and type checking
        stk I ops←⍵                         ⍝ machine state
        ~(list⌽'∘',⍺⍺){                     ⍝ ⍺⍺ is pattern vector
            ⍺≡'∘':1                         ⍝ all patterns matched: ok
            ⍵≡'∘':0                         ⍝ too few args: fails
            (p q)(f r)←⍺ ⍵                  ⍝ next patn and value
            ~qr:0                        ⍝ following patterns fail
            '*'=p:1                         ⍝ * matches anything
            '⌷'=p:~atom f                   ⍝ ⌷ matches list
            '0'=p:num f                     ⍝ 0 matches number
            '1'=p:(num f)∧~f≡,'0'           ⍝ 1 matches non-zero number
            '∧'=p:tval f                    ⍝ ∧ matches true, false
            '⍞'=p:(~atom f)∧~f≡'∘'          ⍝ ⍞ matches non-empty list
        }stk:⍺ err ⍵                        ⍝ bad args: error
        ⍺ ⍵⍵{⍵ I ops}(≢⍺⍺)pop stk           ⍝ stack, arg vector
    }                                       ⍝ Patn ∇∇ Oper :: Oper

    lex←{                                   ⍝ word list from source vector
        wsp←⎕UCS 13 32 133                  ⍝ version-proof white space.
        wht←1,⍵∊wsp                         ⍝ mask for white-space separation
        tk1←{⍵∨¯1⌽⍵}(⍵∊'[];.⊢⊣'),0          ⍝ mask for single-char tokens
        wds←~∘(⊂'')~∘wsp¨(whttk1)⊂⍵,' '    ⍝ char-vector words
        cnd←'(*' '*)'depth wds              ⍝ comment nesting depth
        0>⊃⌽cnd:'∘'                         ⍝ too many closing *)s: ignore line
        toks({⍵⍱¯1⌽⍵}×cnd)/wds             ⍝ uncommented
        0=⍴toks:'∘'                         ⍝ null token list.
        deps←'[]'depth toks                 ⍝ bracket-depth for each token
        0=⊃⌽deps:toklist toks               ⍝ brackets balance: list of tokens
        ok←+/∨\⌽deps=0                      ⍝ number of leading good tokens
        badlist oktoks,'∘'                ⍝ trailing bad tokens
        (toklist oktoks)cat'┼'bad          ⍝   separated by error token
    }                                       ⍝ :: Oseq ← ∇ ⍞

    toklist←{                               ⍝ list from vector of tokens
        '∘'rev'∘'{                          ⍝ reverse of list from token vector
            ⍵≡'∘':⍺                         ⍝ list exhausted: done
            f r←⍵                           ⍝ first and rest
            f≡,']':⍺ r                      ⍝ ] list and remainder
            ~f≡,'[':(f)r                ⍝ atom
            ls rem←'∘'∇ r                   ⍝ [ sublist
            ('∘'rev ls)⍺ ∇ rem              ⍝ reverse of sublist
        }list ⍵,'∘'                         ⍝ embedding of sublists
    }                                       ⍝ :: List Word ← ∇ [Word]

    offset←⌊⎕PW÷4                           ⍝ initial offet of │-separator
    ⍺←0                                     ⍝ repl: prompt for input.

    prt←⍺{                                  ⍝ print machine state
        (f r)_(_ rr)←estk I ops←⍵           ⍝ machine state
        f≡,'⊢':⍺ ∇ r(-|I)ops                ⍝ ⊢: tracing on:  -ive I
        f≡,'⊣':⍺ eval r(+|I)ops             ⍝ ⊣: tracing off: +ive I
        moref ops⍱.≡'┼∘'                   ⍝ unless error or no operators
        moreI≥0:⍺ eval ⍵                   ⍝   and not tracing: continue
        stk(f≡'┼')tail estk                ⍝ stack without error token
        fstk fopsstk fmts ops              ⍝ formatted stack and ops
        fill(|I)(I≥0)↓'·'                 ⍝ traced line filled with ···
        trim←{((⎕PW-1)⌊⍴⍵)↑⍵}               ⍝ trim at print-width
        pmttrim((-|I)fill,fstk),'│',fops  ⍝ prompt with machine state
        moreI<0:⍺ eval stk I ops⊣⎕←pmt     ⍝ tracing: continue
        ~⍺⍺:stk I ops                       ⍝ not repl: quit on read
        ⍞←pmt                               ⍝ display machine state
        ⍺ read stk I rr                     ⍝ else: read more opers
    }                                       ⍝ ⍺⍺ ∇∇ :: Repl

    read←{                                  ⍝ read of operator stream
        stk I _←⍵                           ⍝ ops stream is empty
        buff←⍞                              ⍝ char vector buffer
        J←+/∧\buff≠'│'                      ⍝ possibly changed │-offset
        opslex(J+1)buff                   ⍝ next expression to evaluate
        ⍺ eval stk(J××I)ops                 ⍝ stack and operators
    }                                       ⍝ :: Repl

    depth←{+\1 ¯1 0[(,¨⍺)⍳⍵]}               ⍝ ⍺-nesting depth
    atom←{(~'∘'∊⍵)∧1=≡,⍵}                   ⍝ is an atom?
    num←{∧/⍵∊⎕D}                            ⍝ is a number?
    tval←{(⊂⍵)∊'true' 'false'}              ⍝ is a truth-value?
    null←{(⊂⍵)(,'0')'∘'}                   ⍝ is null?
    tail←{⍺=0:⍵ ⋄ (⍺-1)th t←⍵}           ⍝ ⍺-tail of list
    bool←{⊃⍵⌽'false' 'true'}                ⍝ 0 1 → 'false' 'true'
    pick←{('false' 'true'⍳⊂⍺)⊃⍵,⊂''}        ⍝ 'false' 'true'⊃ ⍵
    rev←{⍵≡'∘':⍺ ⋄ f r←⍵ ⋄ f ⍺ ∇ r}         ⍝ reversed list: (⌽⍵),⍺
    cat←{⍺≡'∘':⍵ ⋄ f r←⍺ ⋄ f(r ∇ ⍵)}        ⍝ list catenation: ⍺,⍵
    pop←{⍺=0:⊂⍵ ⋄ f r←⍵ ⋄ ((⍺-1)r),⊂f}    ⍝ ⍺ items and tail from stack ⍵
    dref←{names vals←⍺ ⋄ (names⍳⊂⍵)vals}   ⍝ value for name ⍵ in dictionary ⍺
    relat(,¨'<=>','<!>',¨'=')'<=>≤≠≥'      ⍝ relational functions
    arith(,¨'+-*/|')'+-×÷|'                ⍝ arithmetic functions
    err←{stk I ops←⍵ ⋄ ⍺ prt('┼'stk)I ops}  ⍝ error token in op stream
    fmts←{(fmt'∘'rev)(fmt)}             ⍝ format of stack and operators
    list←{↑{⍺ ⍵}/⍵}                         ⍝ list from vector ⍵

    ⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝⍝ coded-in-joy operators

    dump ⍬ ⍬ eval{'∘'offset ⍵}lex{          ⍝ defined operators:
        'DEFINE                                                         ',⍵}{
        'popd     == [pop]dip ;                                         ',⍵}{
        'pop2     == pop pop ;                                          ',⍵}{
        'dupd     == [dup]dip ;                                         ',⍵}{
        'unit     == []cons ;                                           ',⍵}{
        'swapd    == [swap]dip ;                                        ',⍵}{
        'dip2     == [dip]cons dip ;                                    ',⍵}{
        'dip3     == [dip2]cons dip ;                                   ',⍵}{
        'rollup   == swap swapd ;                                       ',⍵}{
        'rolldown == swapd swap ;                                       ',⍵}{
        'rotate   == rollup swap ;                                      ',⍵}{
        'swoncat  == swap concat ;                                      ',⍵}{
        'shunt    == [swons]step ;                                      ',⍵}{
        'infra    == [reverse]dip concat [stack]dip swap                ',⍵}{
        '            [[[]unstack]dip i stack]dip                        ',⍵}{
        '            swap [unstack]dip reverse ;                        ',⍵}{
        'linrec   == [] 4[cons]times dup [4[uncons]times]dip            ',⍵}{
        '            [rolldown]dip concat [pop]dip [linrec]concat       ',⍵}{
        '            swoncat ifte ;                                     ',⍵}{
        'cleave   == [nullary]dip dip swap ;                            ',⍵}{
        'rem      == swap | ;                                           ',⍵}{
        'div      == dupd dup rollup rem [/]dip ;                       ',⍵}{
        'not      == [false][true]branch ;                              ',⍵}{
        'size     == 0 swap [pop succ]step ;                            ',⍵}{
        'ifte     == [nullary]dip2 branch ;                             ',⍵}{
        'fold     == swapd step ;                                       ',⍵}{
        'map      == [[]]dip2                                           ',⍵}{
        '            unit [unary]concat                                 ',⍵}{
        '            unit [dip cons]concat                              ',⍵}{
        '            [swap]swoncat step reverse ;                       ',⍵}{
        'append   == reverse cons reverse ;                             ',⍵}{
        'split    == [[][]]dip2                                         ',⍵}{
        '            [dip2]cons [rollup]swoncat [rolldown]concat        ',⍵}{
        '            [[swons][[swap]dip swons swap]ifte] cons           ',⍵}{
        '            step reverse swap reverse ;                        ',⍵}{
        'filter   == split pop ;                                        ',⍵}{
        'nullary  == stack [i]dip cons unstack swap pop ;               ',⍵}{
        'unary    == stack [i]dip cons unstack [pop2]dip ;              ',⍵}{
        'cond     == [small]nullary [i i] [uncons [uncons]dip           ',⍵}{
        '            [[nullary]dip]dip [cond]cons branch]branch ;       ',⍵}{
        'enconcat == swapd cons concat .                                ',⍵}⍵

    ⍝ Type definitions:
    ⍝     joy   ::  ⍞ ← ∇ ⍞                 ⍝ type of this function
    ⍝    Repl   :=  State ← Dict ∇ State    ⍝ state reduction
    ⍝    Oper   :=  State ← Dict ∇ Sargs    ⍝ primitive operator
    ⍝   Sargs   :=  Stack, [Value]          ⍝ vector: (⊂stack),args
    ⍝    Dict   :=  [Name] [Oseq]           ⍝ name-value association tuple
    ⍝   State   :=  Stack Disp Oseq         ⍝ machine state
    ⍝    Disp   :=  offset                  ⍝ (-ive during tracing)
    ⍝    List ⍵ :=  '∘' | ⍵ (List ⍵)        ⍝ f(fr(frr ...))
    ⍝    Oseq   :=  List Word               ⍝ operator sequence
    ⍝   Stack   :=  List Value              ⍝ value stack
    ⍝   Value   :=  Word | List Value       ⍝ value
    ⍝    Name   :=  ⍞                       ⍝ name
    ⍝    Patn   :=  ⍞                       ⍝ operator argument pattern
    ⍝    Word   :=  ⍞                       ⍝ character vector


test script

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