hexf←{⎕IO ⎕ML←0 1                       ⍝ IEEE 754/854 floating point.
    1<⍴⍴⍵:↑∇¨↓⍵                         ⍝ vector-wise:
    1≠≡,⍵:∇¨⍵                           ⍝ simple-array-wise:
    cols←{(((⍴,⍵)÷⍺),⍺)⍴⍵}              ⍝ ⍵ reshaped to ⍺ cols.
    XD←'0123456789ABCDEF'               ⍝ upper hex digits.
    xd←'0123456789abcdef'               ⍝ lower hex digits.
    big←⊃83 ⎕DR 256                     ⍝ this machine is big-endian?
    qfr←{2::645 ⋄ ⍎'⎕FR'}0              ⍝ get ⎕FR, safely on old interpreters.
    nd←⌊qfr÷40                          ⍝ number of hex digits per float.
    0=2|⎕DR ⍵:{                         ⍝ numeric: return char hex:
        ' '∊⍵:∇¨{1↓¨(⍵=' ')⊂⍵}' ',⍵     ⍝ scalar-wise:
        ucase(XD,XD)[(XD,xd)⍳⍵]        ⍝ upper case hex.
        big:⊃qfr ⎕DR,⍉(4/2)XDucase    ⍝ floating scalar.
        swapnd cols⊖2 cols ucase       ⍝ byte-swapped hex chars.
        bits←1=(4/2)XDswap            ⍝ 4×n×nd bit-array.
        ⊃qfr ⎕DR,[1 2]2 0 1⍉bits        ⍝ floating scalar.
    }⍵                                  ⍝ char: return numeric:
    doub _(⎕DR ⍵)qfr ⎕DR ⍵             ⍝ forced to floating point.
    bits←11 ⎕DR doub                    ⍝ 64 or 128 bits per number.
    digsnd cols 2⊥⍉4 cols bits         ⍝ base-16 digits.
    big:1↓,' ',XD[digs]                 ⍝ big-endian: blank-separation of numbs.
    1↓,' ',⊖nd cols⊖2 cols XD[digs]     ⍝ little-endian: byte-flipped.


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