fnrepl←{                                    ⍝ Function string replacement.
    ⍺←⎕THIS                                 ⍝ default current space.
    1:shy←{⍵~⊂''}⍺.{                        ⍝ shy rslt: changed function list.
        (↓⎕NL 3 4){                         ⍝ target space, names of fns (and ops).
            (⎕NR ⍺){                        ⍝ function source lines.
                ⍺≡⍵:''                      ⍝ no change: ignore.
                ⊢⎕FX ⍵                      ⍝ name of changed fn.
            }(⎕NR ⍺){                       ⍝ function lines.
                fm to←⍵                     ⍝ target and replacement strings.
                cvex←{(+\fm⍷⍵)⊆⍵}fm,⍺       ⍝ partitioned at find points.
                (to)↓∊{to,(fm)↓⍵}¨cvex    ⍝ collected with replacements.
            }¨⊂⍵                            ⍝ each line of,
        }¨⊂⍵                                ⍝ each function.
    },¨⍵                                    ⍝ find and replace vectors.


test script

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