fndiff←{⎕ML←1                               ⍝ Defined function differences.
    ⍺←'' ⋄ {                                ⍝ diffs between two functions.
        mats←↑¨0 1{↑~/⍺⌽⍵}¨⊂⍵               ⍝ line differences.
        cols←⌊0.5×⎕PW-1                     ⍝ cols per half-screen.
        size(⌈/≢¨mats)cols                 ⍝ padding size.
        ↑{⍺,'│',⍵}/'·'@{                    ⍝ aligning dots
            (⍵=' ')(⍴⍵)cols⍴4↑1           ⍝ blanks every 4 columns
        }¨size∘↑¨mats                       ⍝ split screen output.
    }(' ⍝'∊⍺)∘{                             ⍝ trim white space exclusions.
        ⍺≡0 0:⍵                             ⍝ neither excluded: continue.
        cm←{/∘⍵∧\(⍵≠'⍝')∨≠\''''=⍵}          ⍝ remove unquoted comments.
        sp←{(∨\' '≠⍵)/⍵}                    ⍝ remove leading blanks.
        ⍺{⍵~(⊃⍺)/⊂''}⍺∘{                    ⍝ with/out blank lines.
            ⍺≡1 1:⌽spsp cm ⍵               ⍝ remove blanks and comments, or
            ⍺≡0 1:⌽spcm ⍵                  ⍝ ... comments & trailing blanks.
            codecm ⍵                       ⍝ uncommented code.
            cmnt(code)↓⍵                  ⍝ comment from code.
            (spsp code),cmnt              ⍝ before and after blanks removed.
        }¨⍵                                 ⍝ ... from each function line.
    }∘{                                     ⍝ copy in function if remote.
        split←{(1 0=⊂⌽∨\' '=⌽⍵)/¨⊂⍵}        ⍝ split vector at rightmost blank.
        trim←{(∨\' '≠⍵)/⍵}{⌽⍺⍺⌽⍺⍺ ⍵}        ⍝ remove leading/trailing blanks.
        wsid fnidtrim¨split trim ⍵         ⍝ wsid / fnid.
        ''≡wsid~' ':⎕NR fnid                ⍝ function in current ws.
        base←{(⌽∧\⌽⍵≠'.')/⍵}fnid            ⍝ base name of function.
        copy←'fnid ⍺.⎕cy wsid'              ⍝ command: copy remote function.
        srce←'⍺.⎕nr base'                   ⍝ command: return function lines.
        0::('Can''t copy: ',⍵)⎕SIGNAL ⎕EN   ⍝ abort if copy fails.
        (⎕NS''){⍎⍵}copy,'⋄',srce            ⍝ copy and return function lines.
    }¨⍵                                     ⍝ ... for each function.


test script

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