exit←{ ⍝ Return to calling environment. log←⎕SE.⎕WG'Log' ⍝ session log. sos ipt←'Dyalog APL' ' ' ⍝ start of session marker and prompt. take←{⍺↑⍵,⎕UCS 0} ⍝ distinguishes '' from ' '. indx←{((⍴⍵)take¨⍺)⍳⊂⍵} ⍝ index of first ⍵ in ⍺ hits←(⊂⌽log)indx¨ipt sos ⍝ indices of input prompt and banner. off←(>/hits)/'⎕OFF' ⍝ '⎕OFF ' unless interactive session. off,' ',⍕⍵ ⍝ return vector for ⍎. } code_colours test script Back to: notes Back to: Workspaces