dsp←{⎕IO ⎕ML←1                          ⍝ Reduced version of disp.
    (1=≡,⍵)∨0∊⍴⍵:⎕FMT ⍵                 ⍝ simple or empty: char matrix
    ⍺←1 ⋄ top←'─'∘⍪⍣⍺                   ⍝ top '─' bar if ⍺
    1≥⍴⍴⍵:{                             ⍝ vector or scalar:
        bars←2{⍪(⌊/≢¨⍺ ⍵)/'│'}/⍵,0      ⍝ inter-item '│' separators
        join←{↑,/(⌈/≢¨⍵)↑¨⍵}            ⍝ equalised rows cell-join
        0 ¯1↓join top¨join¨↓⍉↑⍵ bars    ⍝ join with top and separators
    }1 ∇¨⍵                              ⍝ vector: formatted items
    subs←⍺ ∇¨⍵                          ⍝ higher rank: formatted items
    rs cs←+/¨1⊂↑⍴¨subs                  ⍝ numbers of rows and cols
    dims(mrs←⌈/rs)∘.,mcs←⌈/⍪⍉cs        ⍝ max dimensions per row & col
    join←{↑⍺{⍺,⍺⍺,⍵}/⍵}                 ⍝ ⍺-join of vector ⍵
    rows(mrs/¨'│')join¨↓dims↑¨subs     ⍝ complete rows with '│'-separated items
    hzs←'┼'join mcs/¨'─'                ⍝ inter-row horizontal '─┼─' separators
    cells←{⍺⍪hzs⍪⍵}/rows                ⍝ joined rows: array of 2D planes
    gaps(⌽⍳¯2+⍴⍴⍵)/¨' '                ⍝ increasing cell gaps for higher ranks
    cjoin{↑⍪/(⊂⍺),⍺⍺,⊂⍵}               ⍝ vertical cell join with ⍺⍺ gap
    top⊃↑{⍺ cjoin⌿⍵}/gaps,⊂cells        ⍝ cell-joining with increasing gaps


test script

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