dots←{                          ⍝ Show dfn with "white dots".
    ⍺←'·'                       ⍝ white dot.
    kwds←':E' ':C' ':U'⍷¨⊂⍵     ⍝ end of ctrl paragraph keywords.
    ends←↑∨/kwds,⊂⍵='}'         ⍝ end of cstructs and dfns.
    spcs←∧\' '=⍵                ⍝ leading spaces.
    xdentsends∧1,0 ¯1↓spcs     ⍝ leading exdents.
    flood(⍪1 2){               ⍝ flood upwards into blanks.
        hits←⍺⍷⍵                ⍝ 1s above 2s
        ~1∊hits:⍵               ⍝ none: done.
        ⍺ ∇ hits+⍵              ⍝ try again with 1 2 → 2 2.
    }spcs+2×xdents              ⍝ spaces 'n braces.
    dmask←,2=flood-xdents       ⍝ mask vector for white dots.
    ⍺@{2=flood-xdents}⍵         ⍝ dots in char matrix.


test script

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