cmpx←{                                          ⍝ Approx expression timings.
    ⍺←⍬ ⋄ ⍺{                                    ⍝ options: raw cpu cols.
        (⍎⍵)-⎕AI                                ⍝ time of ⍺ expr-iterations.
    }{⎕IO ⎕ML←0 1                               ⍝ local sysvars (see Notes).
        dflt←{⍵+⍺×⍵=0}                          ⍝ ⍺ default if ⍵=0.
        raw cpu cols secs←0 0 40 1 dflt¨4↑⍺     ⍝ raw/cpu times, hist wdth secs
        clock(2-cpu)∘⊃                         ⍝ 0:elapsed, 1:cpu
        count nett←1 ⍺⍺{                        ⍝ loop count and times.
            times←⍺ ⍺⍺{                         ⍝ time for each expression.
                head←'{0<⍵:∇⍵-1⊣'               ⍝ loop pre- and
                tail←'⋄⎕AI}⍺'                   ⍝ post-amble.
                clock ⍺ ⍺⍺ head,⍵,tail          ⍝ time for ⍺ loops of expr.
            }¨⍵                                 ⍝ ... for each expression.
            (secs×1000)>+/times÷≢⍵:(⍺×2)∇ ⍵     ⍝ too quick: reiterate × 2.
            null←'{0<⍵:∇⍵-⊢1⋄⎕AI}⍺'             ⍝ null loop for "control" time.
            adj←{⍵-0⌊⌊/⍵}                       ⍝ adjusted to clear -ive vals.
            ⍺,⊂adj times-clock ⍺ ⍺⍺ null        ⍝ times - null loop overhead.
        }⍵                                      ⍝ vector of expressions.
        hist←↑{(⌊0.5+cols×⍵÷⌈/⍵)⍴¨'⎕'}nett      ⍝ simple histogram.
        raw:nett÷count×1000                     ⍝ raw numeric result.
        esec←↑6 ¯2∘⍕¨nett÷count×1000            ⍝ e-format seconds.
        rels←⌊100ׯ1+{⍵÷⊃⍵}1⌈nett               ⍝ percentages relative to 1st.
        sign←{(1+×⍵)⊃'- +'}                     ⍝ sign: - +.
        fpcs←⌽↑{'%',⌽(sign),⍕|⍵}¨rels         ⍝ formatted percentages.
        diff←{⍵⊃' *'}¨×{⍵⍳⍵},⍵⍵¨⍵               ⍝ result differences.
        expsdiff,' ',↑⍵                        ⍝ exprs with diff markers.
        pref←{↑⍺∘,¨↓⍵}                          ⍝ ⍺-prefix of rows of matrix ⍵.
        cmps←' | 'pref fpcs,' ',hist            ⍝ percents and histogram.
        1=≢⍵:esec                               ⍝ single expr: time only.
        exps,' → 'pref esec,cmps                ⍝ [*] expr → secs | %s histo.
    }{                                          ⍝ right operand:
        ⍎⍵                                      ⍝ expr executed in native envt.
    }⊆⍵                                         ⍝ vector of subject exprs.


test script

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