ary←{⎕IO ⎕ML←0 1                        ⍝ ⍺-ary representation of rational ⍵.
    ⍵=0:,'0'                            ⍝ 0: special case.
    base←|⍺                             ⍝ positive base (-ive suppresses fmt).
    sign abs(×⍵)(|⍵)                   ⍝ sign and absolute value.
    exp←⌈baseabs                       ⍝ exponent.
    manabs×base*-exp                   ⍝ mantissa.
    p q←⌊{⍵ 1÷1∨⍵}man                   ⍝ ⎕ct-approximate rational.

    digs←{                              ⍝ ⍺-digits.
        ⍵=0:(⊃↓0 q⊤⍺)⍬ 1                ⍝ no remainder: exact result.
        lim<⍴⍺:(rnd⊃↓0 q⊤⍺)⍬ 0          ⍝ truncated digit sequence.
        ⍵∊⍺:(rep),1                 ⍝ repeat: non-terminating rat.
        (⍺,⍵)base×q|⍵                 ⍝ history and remainder.
    }                                   ⍝ :: [rems] ∇ rem → digs rep exact

    ofmt←{                              ⍝ optional formatting.
        (sig exp fix rep rat)←⍵         ⍝ rational number structs.
        fmt←⌷∘(⎕D,⎕A)∘⊂                 ⍝ char vec from num vec of ⍺ digits.
        lft pad←0⌈1 ¯1×exp              ⍝ digits before and zeros after point.
        zro←{⍵,(⍴⍵)↓0}                  ⍝ leading zero if required.
        neg(sig<0)/'¯'                 ⍝ -·················    sign,
        nnnfmt zro lftfix,lftrep     ⍝ ·nnn··············    whole part,
        ffffmt(pad/0),lftfixbase-1   ⍝ ·····fff··········    fraction,
        rrrfmt(0⌈exp-⍴fix)rep         ⍝ ········rrr·······    repeat sequence,
        fffrrrfff opt rrr              ⍝ ·····fffrrrrrr····    optimised rep,
        dot(''≡fffrrr)↓'.'             ⍝ ····.·············    base-ary point,
        etc(×⍴rep)/'...'               ⍝ ··············...·    ellipsis,
        cutrat↓'?'                     ⍝ ·················?    truncation mark,
        neg,nnn,dot,fffrrr,etc,cut      ⍝ _nnn.fffrrrrrr...?    formatted numb.
    }⍣(⍺>0)                             ⍝ :: ∇ sig exp fix rep rat → [-]

    lim←⌈base⍟÷⎕CT⌈2*¯53                ⍝ max number of ⍺-digits.           <V>
    rnd←{(¯2↓⍵),+∘(5∘≤)/¯2↑⍵}           ⍝ round-off of last digit.
    rep←{(0 1=⊂∨\⍵=⍺)/¨1↑↓0 q⊤⍺}        ⍝ reqular repeating rational sequence.
    opt←{(-+/∧\=⌿↑⌽¨⍺ ⍵)↓⍺,⍵,⍵}         ⍝ abcxy vwxy ... → abc, xyvw, xyvw ...

    q=1:ofmt sign(exp+1)(,1)⍬ 1         ⍝ base*n: special case.
    ofmt sign exp,⍬ digs p×base         ⍝ optional formatting of ⍺-ary number.


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