H{                                     ⍝ Quaternion arithmetic

    monadic{                           ⍝ monadic functions:
        '+'≡⍺⍺:conj ⍵                   ⍝ +⍵ conjugate
        '-'≡⍺⍺:-⍵                       ⍝ -⍵ negative
        '×'≡⍺⍺:unit ⍵                   ⍝ ×⍵ direction
        '÷'≡⍺⍺:recip ⍵                  ⍝ ÷⍵ reciprocal
        '|'≡⍺⍺:norm ⍵                   ⍝ |⍵ magnitude
        ⎕SIGNAL 16                      ⍝    not for the nonce
    }                                   ⍝ :: H ← (fn ∇∇) H

    dyadic{                            ⍝ dyadic functions:
        '+'≡⍺⍺:⍺+Q ⍵                    ⍝ ⍺+⍵ sum
        '-'≡⍺⍺:⍺-Q ⍵                    ⍝ ⍺-⍵ difference
        '×'≡⍺⍺:⍺ mul ⍵                  ⍝ ⍺×⍵ product
        '÷'≡⍺⍺:⍺ mul recip ⍵            ⍝ ⍺÷⍵ right quotient
        '⌽'≡⍺⍺:⍺ rot ⍵                  ⍝ ⍺⌽⍵ ⍺-rotation
        ⎕SIGNAL 16                      ⍝     not for the nonce
    }                                   ⍝ ::  H ← H (fn ∇∇) H

    mul←{                               ⍝ product ⍺×⍵
        (a b)(c d)←1⊂¨⍺ ⍵               ⍝ Cayley-Dixon
        ⊃,/((a×c)-b×+d)((d×a)+b×+c)     ⍝   product
    }                                   ⍝ :: H ← H ∇ H

    rot←{                               ⍝ ⍺-rotation of points ⍵
        a i j kR ⍺                     ⍝ rotation angle and direction
        ui j k÷vlen i j k              ⍝ unit 3-vector: direction
        qC(2○a÷2),u×1○a÷2              ⍝ rotation quarternion scalar q
        q mulmul conj q              ⍝ q×⍵×q*
    }                                   ⍝ :: H ← H ∇ H

    unit←{⍵÷2 0/norm ⍵}                 ⍝ ×⍵ direction
    conj←↑((+⊣),(-⊢))/                  ⍝ +⍵ conjugate
    recip←{(conj)÷2 0/(norm)*2}     ⍝ ÷⍵ reciprocal
    norm←{(vlen|⍵)∘.×1 0}               ⍝ |⍵ magnitude
    vlen←{(+/⍵*2)*0.5}                  ⍝    scalar length of vector ⍵

    C←{J/2 2⍴(⍤1)⍵}                     ⍝ complex (S,2)-matrix from real (S,4)-
    R←{,⍤2⊢9 11∘.(○⍨)⍨⍵}                ⍝ R 3J4 → 3 4  real parts
    J←{⍺+⍵×0J1}                         ⍝ 3 J 4 → 3J4
    Q←⍤1                                ⍝ quaternion-wise

    ←⍺⍺{←⍺⍺∘⊢ ⋄ ⊃⎕CR'∆'}⍬             ⍝ single char operand fn: '+' '-' ...
    0≠⎕NC'⍺':R(C)( dyadic)C ⍵        ⍝ dyadic operand fn
    ~∊'⍎⍕':R( monadic)C ⍵             ⍝ monadic operand fn, except ⍎ or ⍕

    '⍎'≡:{                             ⍝ input conversion '1i2j3k4' → 1 2 3 4
        quat←{(' ijk'∊⊃¨⍵)\⍎⍕1↓¨⍵}      ⍝ numeric 4-tuple from charcter vector
        segs←{(⍵∊' ijk')⊂⍵}' '∘,        ⍝ i-j-k-separated parts of H-item
        items←{~∘(⊂'')⊢' 'split' ',⍵}   ⍝ blank-separated number
        split←{1↓¨(⍺=⍵)⊂⍵}              ⍝ ⍺-split of ⍵
        ↑∘(quatsegs¨)items Q ⍵        ⍝ conversion to (S,4)-array
    }⍵                                  ⍝ :: [# # # #] ← ∇ ⍞

    '⍕'≡:{                             ⍝ output conversion 1 2 3 4 → '1i2j3k4'
        trim←{0 2↓¯1⌽(~1 1⍷∧⌿⍵=' ')/⍵}  ⍝ without superfluous blank columns
        align←{((pads ⍵~¨' ')⍴¨' '),¨⍵} ⍝ i-aligned quaternion numbers
        pads←{-⍵-Q⌈⌿⍵}{⌊/¨⍵⍳¨⊂'ijk'}    ⍝ padding to align imaginary part
        pref←{1↓∊⍵ head' ijk',∘⍕¨⍵}     ⍝ i j k component prefixes
        head←{∊(1,1↓0≠⍺)/⍵}             ⍝ without trailing 0 components
        dp←{(10*-⍺)×⌊0.5+⍵×10*⍺}        ⍝ rounded to ⍺ decimal places
        trim ⎕FMT alignpref Q 10 dp ⍵  ⍝ character matrix format of ⍵
    }⍵                                  ⍝ :: [';] ← ∇ [# # # #]


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