⍝ Locations of item ⍺ in ⍵:

    1 in 3 1 4 1 5                              ⍝ vector of paths

    'o' in 'hello' 'world'                      ⍝ locations of 'o' characters
│1 5│2 2│

    'o'{'⌽' @(⍺ in ⍵)⊢⍵} 'hello' 'world'        ⍝ substitution

    'o'in ⍪'hello' 'world'                      ⍝ paths in matrix ⍵
││1 1│5│││2 1│2││

    avg←(sum←+⌿)÷≢                              ⍝ functions for sum and average

    ⎕cr'avg'                                    ⍝ character rep.

    'sum'{(⊂⍺)@((⎕CR ⍺)in ⎕CR ⍵)⊢⎕CR ⍵}'avg'    ⍝ name instead of value

    'hello'in ⊂⊂⊂'hello'                        ⍝ nested scalars
    display 0 in ⍳0                             ⍝ finds prototypical item
│ ┌→┐ │
│ │0│ │
│ └~┘ │

    0 in (1 1⍴⊂)⍣4 ⊢0                           ⍝ nested matrices
││1 1│1 1│1 1│1 1││

⍝∇ in display

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