⍝ Egyptian fractions:

    9 efract 10                         ⍝ Egyptian fraction rep of 9÷10.
2 3 15

    rational +/÷ 9 efract 10            ⍝ round-trip to check.
9 10

    rational +/÷ 355 efract 452         ⍝ coarse approximation to ○÷4.
355 452

    2 3 5 7 ∘.efract 11 13 17 19
│6 66  │7 91     │9 153    │10 190   │
│4 44  │5 33 2145│6 102    │7 67 8911│
│3 9 99│3 20 780 │4 23 1564│4 76     │
│2 8 88│2 26     │3 13 663 │3 29 1653│

⍝∇ efract rational

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