refs ← ##.refpath ref                       ⍝ Refs path from root to ⍵.

Returns a vector of namespace references, one item for each  node  in  the  path
from the root to argument namespace [ref].  Depending  on the location of [ref],
the first item of the result will be # or ⎕SE.


    )ns a.b.c               ⍝ create namespace

    refpath a.b.c           ⍝ ref-path from root.
 #  #.a  #.a.b  #.a.b.c

    )cs a.b.c               ⍝ change space

    #.refpath ⎕this         ⍝ ref-path from root.
 #  #.a  #.a.b  #.a.b.c

See also: up refs Namespaces

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