Here is a handy aide-mémoire for the D-programmer.

Print it on a piece of green card, folding as indicated:

 │                  │ {⍺ Function ⍵}   │ {⍺⍺ Operator ⍵⍵} │  : Guard         │
 │                  ├──────────────────┼──────────────────┼──────────────────┤
 │  D-programming   │ ⍺ Left argument  │ ⍺⍺ Left operand  │ :: Error-guard   │
 │    reference     ├──────────────────┼──────────────────┼──────────────────┤
 │      card        │ ⍵ Right argument │ ⍵⍵ Right operand │ ⍺← Default larg  │
 │                  ├──────────────────┼──────────────────┼──────────────────┤
 │                  │ ∇ Self reference │ ∇∇ Self reference│ 1:s← Shy result  │
                    ↑                  ↑                  ↑
                    │                  │                  │
    .             .             .
    |\           /|\           /|
    | \         //| \         //|   <- thus
    |  \       ///|  \       ///|
    |   \     ////|   \     ////|
    |    \   /////|    \   /////|
    |     \ //////|     \ //////|
     \     |////// \     |//////
      \    |/////   \    |/////
       \   |////     \   |////
        \  |///       \  |///
         \ |//         \ |//
          \|/           \|/
           '             '

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