saved ← {seed} ##.nspack ref                ⍝ Share arrays across space tree.

Nspack  takes a reference to a namespace to be packed by _array sharing_. Ident-
ical arrays and subarrays are shared among all of the variables in the space and
all  of  its children. In particular, if the argument is a reference to the root
space  (#), all variables in the workspace are shared. This may take a consider-
able  time  but  could  result in a significant saving in a workspace containing
complex nested arrays. The result is the number of workspace bytes saved.

Nspack may be appropriate for reducing the size of a workspace, prior to deploy-
ment, when file storage is at a premium. For example, when saving to a PDA.

Notice that the result of ⎕size can be misleading as it ignores subarray sharing
when counting the bytes consumed by a nested structure.

The  optional  left argument is an array of values to be considered for sharing.
Dyalog automatically shares literal constants from lines of code (or execute (⍎)
expressions)  across  the  whole workspace. Examples of literal constants are 9,
'~∇∇' and 2 3 4 in:

    class←9,('~∇∇'∊incl)/2 3 4

Given that these values are already present in the workspace, nspack may as well
share them with any arrays that happen to contain an identical subarray.  By de-
fault,  "common" literals:  0, 1, ¯1, 2, ⍬, '' and ' ' are used. If reducing the
size  of  the saved workspace is _very_ important, the following function may be
used  to  harvest  pointers to all literal values present in the workspace. Note
however,  that for a non-trivial workspace, it takes a depressingly long time to
run (see example below).

      literals←{                                  ⍝ Unique literal values.
          lines←∪1 enlist(refs ⍵).(⎕NR¨↓⎕NL 3 4)  ⍝ function source lines.
          tokns←∪1 enlist tokens¨lines            ⍝ tokens within lines.
          ltoks←∪{((⊃¨⍵)∊'''¯',⎕D)/⍵}tokns        ⍝ literal tokens.
          1↓⍎¨'0',ltoks                           ⍝ literal values.

Technical note:
Nspack  includes _copies_ of functions →refs← and →pack←. This is so that it may
be copied stand-alone into a subject workspace.

Nspack  does  not  penetrate nested arrays looking for refs to (unnamed) spaces.
This means that array values within such spaces are not shared.

    refs←⎕ns¨'' ''                  ⍝ array of refs containing,
    refs.(a←⍳3)                     ⍝ distinct values.
    nspack #                        ⍝ no sharing :-(


      nested←⍳¨∘⍳¨∘⍳¨∘⍳¨⍳3 3        ⍝ complex nested array.
      ⎕size'nested'                 ⍝ size in bytes.
      nspack #                      ⍝ nspack recovers most of the space.
      nspack #                      ⍝ subsequent pack saves no more space.
      ⎕size'nested'                 ⍝ size "appears" not to have changed.

⍝ The following sequences show savings in various workspaces.


      )xload tube
··· saved ···

      compile∘⍎¨↓⎕nl 9              ⍝ compile graphs for all routes.

      )copy dfns nspack
··· saved ···

      nspack #                      ⍝ takes a while but saves 86k.
      )erase nspack

      'wsdiff'⎕se.⎕cy'dfns'         ⍝ copy wsdiff to check that
      ⎕se.wsdiff''                  ⍝ changes are transparent.


      )xload wdesign
··· saved ···

      )copy dfns nspack
··· saved ···

      nspack #                      ⍝ saves 130k.
      )erase nspack

      ⎕se.wsdiff''                  ⍝ check changes are transparent.


⍝ The following takes an inordinate time to run, but shares every last byte.

      )xload wdesign
··· saved ···

      literals←{                                  ⍝ unique literal values.
          lines←∪1 enlist(refs ⍵).(⎕NR¨↓⎕NL 3 4)  ⍝ function lines.
          tokns←∪1 enlist tokens¨lines            ⍝ tokens.
          ltoks←∪{((⊃¨⍵)∊'''¯',⎕D)/⍵}tokns        ⍝ literal tokens.
          1↓⍎¨'0',ltoks                           ⍝ literal values.

      )copy dfns nspack refs enlist tokens time
··· saved ···

      (literals time #)nspack #     ⍝ saves extra 14k (c.f. above).

      )erase literals nspack refs enlist tokens time

      ⎕se.wsdiff''                  ⍝ check changes are transparent.


⍝ The following example shows the difference between sharing
⍝ _within_ as opposed _among_ a number of namespaces.

      'x.a' 'x.b' 'x.c'⎕ns¨⊂''      ⍝ make three spaces.

      x.(a b c).(var←⍳¨∘⍳¨∘⍳¨∘⍳¨⍳3 3)   ⍝ populate separately.

      nspack¨x.(a b c)              ⍝ packing _within_ spaces saves 17.5k each.
17952 17952 17952

      nspack x                      ⍝ packing _among_ spaces saves a further 3k.

See also: pack refs Data_compression

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