{larg}(fn ##.Depth k)rarg               ⍝ Apply fn at depths k.

From Adám Brudzewsky:

Dyadic operator Depth applies the function [fn] at the depths specified by [k].
Right operand [k] behaves like that of the Rank operator in several respects:

- It may have three elements, specifying depths for the monadic, left, and right

- The full form of the levels used is ⌽3⍴⌽k. For example, a 2-element vector p,q
  is equivalent to q,p,q .

Negative values are complementary:

    fn Depth(-r) rarg ←→ fn Depth((|≡rarg)-r) rarg

This is equivalent to J's L: conjunction:



      ⊢a←(1 2)(3 4)(5 6)
│1 2│3 4│5 6│
      ⊢b←(10 20 30)(40 50 60)
│10 20 30│40 50 60│
      a(+Depth 1 2)b
││11 21 31│42 52 62│││13 23 33│44 54 64│││15 25 35│46 56 66││
      a(+Depth 1 3)b
│││11 21 31│41 51 61│││12 22 32│42 52 62│││││13 23 33│43 53 63│││14 24 34│44 54 64│││││15 25 35│45 55 65│││16 26 36│46 56 66│││
      a(+Depth ¯1 2)b
││11 21 31│42 52 62│││13 23 33│44 54 64│││15 25 35│46 56 66││

See also: perv saw rows

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