wsdiff←{                                        ⍝ Workspace differences.
    ⍺←'⍵'                                       ⍝ exclude only self by default.
    ⍵≡'':⍺ ∇''⎕WSID                             ⍝ diff this ws with saved ⎕wsid.
    1=≡,⍵:⍺ ∇''⍵                                ⍝ diff this ws with saved ws: ⍵.
    _←⍺{                                        ⍝ external execute.
        0::(⍕⎕EN),'::',1↓⎕IO⊃⎕DM                ⍝ execute error:: 'errno::emsg'
        ⍺⍎⍵                                     ⍝ execute of ⍵ in space ⍺.
    }{⎕IO ⎕ML←0 1                               ⍝ internal origin and migration.
        ex←⍺⍺∘⊢                                 ⍝ execute in clean lexical envt.
        incl←'⍝ ~∇⎕⍵'~⍺                         ⍝ category <inclusion> list.
        cols←⌊0.5×⎕PW-1                         ⍝ cols per half screen.

        nsv←,'⎕IO' '⎕ML' '⎕DIV' '⎕CT' '⎕AVU'    ⍝ Namespace system ...
        nsv,←'⎕PP' '⎕RL' '⎕RTL' '⎕WX'           ⍝ ... variables.
        wsv←,'⎕LX' '⎕TRAP'                      ⍝ Workspace system variables ...
        ⎕LX←''                                  ⍝ ... localized against ⎕cy.

        diffs{                                 ⍝ Show workspace differences.
            tags vals←↓⍉↑fmt¨¨⍺                 ⍝ names and values.
            1=+/'⎕'=∊tags:⍺⍺ ⍵                  ⍝ no ⎕vars in new space display.
            ⎕←0 diff tags                       ⍝ names.
            ~'⎕'∊incl:⍺⍺ ⍵                      ⍝ diff lines not included.
            ⎕←4 diff 0 1{↑~/⍺⌽⍵}¨⊂vals          ⍝ diffs.
            ⍺⍺ ⍵                                ⍝ tails.

        fmt←{                                   ⍝ Format value into char vecs.
            2≠≡⍵:↓⎕FMT ⍵                        ⍝ default format.
            ∧/,(⍴∘⍴¨⍵)∊,¨0 1:⍕¨,⍵               ⍝ array of vectors.
            ↓⎕FMT ⍵                             ⍝ default format

        diff←{                                  ⍝ Show diffs between objects.
            mats←⍺{↑⍺{(⍺⍴' '),⍵}¨⍵}¨⍵           ⍝ char matrices.
            size(⌈/≢¨mats)cols                 ⍝ padding size.
            ↑{⍺,'│',⍵}/dots¨size∘↑¨mats         ⍝ split screen output.

        dots←{'·'@{(⍵=' ')(⍴⍵)cols⍴4↑1}⍵}     ⍝ Aligning dots.
        dobs←{(∨\⍵≠' ')/⍵}{⌽⍺⍺⌽⍺⍺ ⍵}            ⍝ drop outer blanks.

        trim←{                                  ⍝ Trim blanks and comments.
            1<|≡⍵:⍵                             ⍝ train?
            case←' ⍝'∊incl                      ⍝ blanks and comments included.
            case≡1 1:⍵                          ⍝ both included: continue.
            cm←{/∘⍵∧\(⍵≠'⍝')∨≠\''''=⍵}          ⍝ remove unquoted comments.
            sp←{(∨\' '≠⍵)/⍵}                    ⍝ remove leading blanks.
            {⍵~(' '∊incl)↓⊂''}{                 ⍝ with/out blank lines.
                case≡0 0:⌽spsp cm ⍵            ⍝ remove blanks and comments.
                case≡1 0:⌽spcm ⍵               ⍝ remove ⍝'s & trailing blanks.
                codecm ⍵                       ⍝ uncommented code.
                cmnt(code)↓⍵                  ⍝ comment from code.
                (spsp code),cmnt              ⍝ pre and post blanks removed.
            }¨⍵                                 ⍝ ... from each function line.

        {                                       ⍝ Output ws differences ...
            0=⍴↑,/⍵:0                           ⍝ exhausted: stop - null result.
            heads←⊃¨⍵                           ⍝ head items from list.
            16::∇ 2↓¨0,¨⍵                       ⍝ nonce:: ignore differences.
            ≡/heads:∇ 1↓¨⍵                      ⍝ heads match: compare tail.
            names←~∘' '∘⊃¨heads                 ⍝ head names.
            ≡/names:headsdiffs 1↓¨⍵          ⍝ head names match: diff values.
            order←⍋↑names                       ⍝ names sort order.
            next(0∊∊⍴¨names)≠>/order           ⍝ next name to process.
            headnext(nextheads)''            ⍝ head name and blank.
            headdiffs(next=0 1)↓¨⍵           ⍝ output head, then tail.
        }{↑,/⍵,⊂''}¨⍬∘{                         ⍝ join names.
            ref path svars wsvals←⍵             ⍝ space, name, sysvars, vals.
            rxrefex                           ⍝ remote execute
            class←9,('~∇∇'∊incl)/2 3 4          ⍝ name classes of interest.
            names←~∘' '¨↓rx'⎕nl ',⍕class        ⍝ names in namespace.
            (⊂⍺){                              ⍝ ⍺ is refs already visited.
                pair←{(path,⍺)⍵}                ⍝ (name value)
                (⊂⍵)nsv:⊂⍵ pair rx ⍵           ⍝ namespace system var:
                (⊂⍵)wsv:⊂⍵ pair(wsv⍳⊂⍵)wsvals ⍝ workspace system var:
                qt←{'''',⍵,''''}                ⍝ quote.
                ncref ex'⎕nc',qt ⍵             ⍝ nameclass.
                2=nc:⊂⍵ pair rx ⍵               ⍝ variable: name, value.
                ('⍵'∊incl)nc≡0 'wsdiff'(,3):⍬ ⍝ ignore wsdiff function.
                9≠nc:⊂⍵ pair trim rx'⎕nr',qt ⍵  ⍝ function: name, code lines.
                subrx ⍵                        ⍝ ref to sub-space.
                sub∊⍺:⊂(¯1↓path)(' → ',⍵)       ⍝ ref cycle: stop.
                xpathpath,⍵,'.'                ⍝ extended path.
                refs←⍺,ref                      ⍝ visited refs
                1↓↑,/0,refs ⍺⍺ sub xpath nsv''  ⍝ namespace: traverse.
            }¨svars,names                       ⍝ names in namespace.
        }¨(⎕NS¨⍬ ⍬){                            ⍝ input workspaces.
            sv←'~'∊incl                         ⍝ vars => system vars.
            svarssv/wsv,nsv                    ⍝ system var names.
            ⍵≡'':#''svars((# ex'⎕LX')⍺.⎕TRAP)   ⍝ comparison with current ws.
            cmd←'⍺.⎕cy ⍵',sv/'⋄(↑svars)⍺.⎕cy ⍵' ⍝ cmd: copy system vars.
            0::('Can''t copy: ',⍵)⎕SIGNAL ⎕EN   ⍝ bad wsname:: abort.
            ⍎cmd,'⋄','⍺ ⍬ svars,⊂',⍕wsv         ⍝ copy, returning space ref.
        }∘dobs¨⍵                                ⍝ each local space and ws.


test script

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