splay{⎕IO ⎕ML←0 1                      ⍝ Splay trees.

    put←{                               ⍝ tree ⍺ with key=value ⍵.
        ⍺≡0:⍵(0 0)                      ⍝ null: new leaf.
        ((nxt _)subs)(key _)←⍺ ⍵        ⍝ node info and subtrees.
        nxtkey:⍵ subs                  ⍝ match: new value.
        ⍺ ∇ search ⍵                    ⍝ natch: search subtrees.
    }                                   ⍝ :: t ∇ k v → t

    rem←{                               ⍝ tree ⍺ without key ⍵.
        ⍺≡0:0                           ⍝ null: key not in tree: no change.
        ((nxt _)subs)(key _)←⍺ ⍵        ⍝ node and search key.
        ~nxtkey:⍺ ∇ search ⍵           ⍝ natch: remove from subtree.
        0 0≡subs:0                      ⍝ leaf: replace with null.
        0∊subs:(subs⍳0)⊃⌽subs           ⍝ one null: use the other.
        (rot 1)∇ ⍵                    ⍝ neither: remove from rotated tree.
    }                                   ⍝ :: t ∇ k → t

    search{                            ⍝ search subtree ⍺ for key ⊃⍵.
        inf(lft rgt)←⍺                  ⍝ parts of node.
        dir←1-2×>/⍋↑⊃¨inf ⍵             ⍝ search direction: ¯1 1
        _ nxtdir wise lft rgt          ⍝ nxt subtree to search.
        subnxt ⍺⍺ ⍵                    ⍝ new subtree.
        inf(dir wise lft sub rgt)       ⍝ new node.
    }                                   ⍝ :: t (t ∇ k _ → t) ∇∇ k _ → t

    get←{                               ⍝ value for key ⍵ from tree ⍺.
        ⍺≡0:0 0 0                       ⍝ null: no value.
        (key val)(lft rgt)←⍺            ⍝ parts of node.
        key≡⍵:val ⍺ ⍬                   ⍝ match: value tree path.
        dir←1-2×>/⍋↑key ⍵               ⍝ search direction: ¯1 1
        _ nxtdir wise lft rgt          ⍝ next subtree to search.
        rslt sub pathnxt ∇ ⍵           ⍝ value, subtree and path to value.
        ∆pathdir,path                  ⍝ extended path to target.
        cand(key val)(lft sub rgt)     ⍝ node info and subtree candidates.
        tree(dir wise\cand)bal ∆path   ⍝ possibly rebalanced tree.
        rslt tree ∆path                 ⍝ value, tree and path to value.
    }                                   ⍝ :: t ∇ k → v t p

    bal←{                               ⍝ improve balance of tree.
        2≠⍴⍵:⍺                          ⍝ not grandchild: continue.
        pos neg←1 ¯1×⊃⍵                 ⍝ +/- rotation direction.
        =/⍵:(rot neg)rot neg          ⍝ same dirns: double ¯⍵-rotation.
        C(BpA s)←neg wise\⍺             ⍝ diff dirns:
        ∆Cneg wise\C((BpA rot pos)s)∆C rot neg                      ⍝   ¯⍵-⍵-rotation.       (see notes)
    }                                   ⍝ :: t ∇ p → t

    rot←{                               ⍝ single ⍵-wise rotation of tree ⍺.
        B(Apq r)←⍵ wise\⍺               ⍝       B       A
        A(p q)←⍵ wise\Apq               ⍝      / \  →  / \
                                        ⍝     A   r   p   B
        Bqr←⍵ wise\B(q r)               ⍝    / \         / \
        ⍵ wise\A(p Bqr)                 ⍝   p   q       q   r
    }                                   ⍝ :: t ∇ r → t

    vec←{                               ⍝ vector of key=value pairs.
        ⍵≡0:⍬                           ⍝ null tree: null vector.
        key_val(lft rgt)←⍵              ⍝ key=val and subtrees.
        (lft),(key_val),∇ rgt        ⍝ left_vec, key=val, right_vec.
    }                                   ⍝ :: ∇ t → [k v]

    lift←{                              ⍝ lift child of root.
        val root path←⍵                 ⍝ val and revised tree.
        0∊path:                         ⍝ no value: quit.
        1≠⍴path:val root                ⍝ val not child of root: done.
        val(root rot-⊃path)             ⍝ rotate root.
    }                                   ⍝ :: ∇ v t p → v t

    fmt←{                               ⍝ formatted tree ⍵.
        null←0 0⍴''                     ⍝ format of null tree.
        ⍵≡0:null                        ⍝ null tree: null format.
        (key val)subs←⍵                 ⍝ node info.
        key_val←↑,/⍕¨key'='val          ⍝ formatted key=value
        fmts←{⊖⍵}\'┌└'{                 ⍝ hang subtrees by ┌─ ─┐ branches.
            0 0≡⍴⍵:⍵                    ⍝ null: done.
            mask←∧\' '=⊃↓⌽⍉⍵            ⍝ mask of leading blanks.
            ⍉⌽↑(⊂⌽⍺,mask/'│'),↓⌽⍉⍵      ⍝ subtree suspended by branch.
        }¨{⊖⍵}\∇¨subs                   ⍝ formatted subtrees.
        case←~null null≡¨fmts           ⍝ non-null subtree cases.
        join(2⊥case)⊃'∘┐┘┤'            ⍝ subtree joining char.
        join≡'∘':↑,↓key_val             ⍝ leaf: done.
        dent←' '⊣¨key_val               ⍝ subtree padding.
        pads←{↓↑,/dent,⊂⍵}¨fmts         ⍝ left-padded subtrees.
        ↑↑{⍺,(key_val,join),⍵}/pads    ⍝ formatted tree.
    }                                   ⍝ :: ∇ t → [-;]

    dep←{                               ⍝ depth of key ⍵ in tree ⍺.
        ⍺≡0:0                           ⍝ key not found: failure.
        (key val)subs←⍺                 ⍝ parts of tree.
        key≡⍵:1                         ⍝ key found: at depth 1.
        dir←1-2×>/⍋↑key ⍵               ⍝ search direction: ¯1 1
        _ subdir wise subs             ⍝ next subtree to search.
        {⍵+×⍵}sub ∇ ⍵                   ⍝ incremental depth.
    }                                   ⍝ :: t ∇ k → d

    chk←{                               ⍝ tree stats / integrity check.
        0=≡⍵:(0≡⍵)0 0 0 ⍬               ⍝ null: ok ht=0 sz=0 depth=0 range=⍬.
        (key _)subs←⍵                   ⍝ node info and subtrees.
        stats(⍺+1)∇¨subs               ⍝ subtree stats.
        oks szs dps hts krs←↓⍉↑stats    ⍝ individual stats.
        keys←↑key{⍺,(⊂⍺⍺),⍵}/krs        ⍝ subtree key ranges.
        okkey←{⍵≡⍳⍴⍵}⍋↑keys             ⍝ left keys << key >> right keys.
        okstr←2 2≡(⍴⍵),⍴⊃⌽⍵             ⍝ node struct is ok.
        okokkeyokstr∧∧/oks            ⍝ good tree.
        sz←1++/szs                      ⍝ subtree size.
        dp←⍺++/dps                      ⍝ total node depth.
        ht←1+⌈/hts                      ⍝ node height.
        kr←⌽2⍴¯1⌽keys                   ⍝ key range for subtree.
        ⍺>0:ok sz dp ht kr              ⍝ subtree: ok size tot_dep height range.
        ok sz(⌊0.5+dp÷sz)ht             ⍝ root: ok size mean_depth height.
    }                                   ⍝ :: ∇ t → y s d h {r}

    wise{(2×⍺⍺)↑3⍴⍵}                   ⍝ parameterise direction.

    op←⍺⍺{f←⍺⍺ ⋄ ⊃⎕CR'f'}0              ⍝ operand label.

    '∪'≡op:⍺ put ⍵                      ⍝ insert/replace value in tree.
    '⍎'≡op:liftget ⍺                 ⍝ search for value for key.
    '~'≡op:⍺ rem ⍵ 0                    ⍝ remove key=value from tree.
    '?'≡op:4↑0 chk ⍵                    ⍝ tree stats: ok size depth height.
    '⍕'≡op:fmt ⍵                        ⍝ formatted tree.
    '∊'≡op:vec ⍵                        ⍝ list of key=value pairs.
    '≡'≡op:⍵ dep ⍺                      ⍝ depth of key ⍺ in tree ⍵.


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