mdf{                                       ⍝ Line hits for function ⍺⍺.
    name←⍺⍺¨{ff←⍺⍺ ⋄ (⍕⎕OR'ff')~'∇ ¨'}⍬     ⍝ deduce name of operand fn
    _←⎕PROFILE¨'clear' 'start'              ⍝ initialise profilng
    ⍺←⊢ ⋄ _←⍺ ⍺⍺ ⍵                          ⍝ apply function
    data _←⎕PROFILE¨'data' 'clear'          ⍝ profiling data for ⍺⍺
    base←{(⌽∧\⌽⍵≠'.')/⍵}                    ⍝ a.b.fn → fn
    rows((base¨⊣/data)∊⊂name)data         ⍝ profile rows for subject fn
    lines count←1↓¨1↓3↑↓⍉rows               ⍝ lines visited and hit-count
    code←⎕CR name                           ⍝ source code for ⍺⍺
    (count@(lines+⎕IO)⊢0⊣¨↓code),code       ⍝ hits followed by source.


test script

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