kk←{⎕IO←0                                   ⍝ Kind Koloring of dfn/op named ⍵.
    ⍺←(⊂,⊂∘kind)~∘' '¨↓⎕NL⍳10               ⍝ include external kinds by default
    toks←1↓↑,/(⊂⊂,'┘')tokens¨⎕NR ⍵        ⍝ →tokens← vector for subject fnop

    fnop←{S E K Q←⍵                         ⍝ function or operator
        lft top rgt←⍺ inner'{}'             ⍝ braces and token vector for body
        kbkind top                         ⍝ fnop kind: F, M or D
        exps←':⋄┘'sepr'()[]'nest top        ⍝ expression segments, nested subs
        K∆K,lft rgtk                     ⍝ token colours for { and }
        def(parse k,S)F M D              ⍝ definition vs application
        def:(k,S)E K∆(Q,⊂exps)              ⍝ def: deferred body colouring
        E∆E xenv,⊂'⍵⍵'(S)                 ⍝ (can't kind ⍺⍺ for the nonce)
        _ K∆∆exps body E∆ K∆               ⍝ app: immediate body colouring
        (k,S)E K∆∆ Q                        ⍝ only colours from inner fn
    }                                       ⍝ :: S E K Q ← Tokn ∇ S E K Q

    body←{E K←⍵                             ⍝ body
        kbkind ⍺                           ⍝ fnop kind: F, M or D
        E∆E xenv('⍺'N)('∇∇'k)              ⍝ envt for ⍺ and ∇∇ in body
        K∆dqexpr/(⌽⍺),⊂E∆ K ⍬             ⍝ expression kinds in fnop body
        E K∆                                ⍝ calling envt and body kinds
    }                                       ⍝ :: E K ← Body ∇ E K

    expr←{E K Q←⍵                           ⍝ expression
        _ E∆ K∆ Q∆←⊃tokn/⍺,⊂⍬ E K Q         ⍝ extended info for expr ⍵
        gx←':'≡⊃tx⊃⍺                        ⍝ guarded expression?
        (gxE∆ E)K∆ Q∆                      ⍝ guarded expr doesn't extend envt
    }                                       ⍝ :: E K Q ← Expr ∇ E K Q

    tokn←{S E K Q←⍵                         ⍝ next token right-to-left
        '←'≡⊃S:⍺ asgn ⍵                     ⍝ left of assign arrow ···←
        '.'≡⊃S:⍺ dot ⍵                      ⍝ left of dot ···.
        ch←⊃(⊃⍺)toks                       ⍝ initial char of token
        '{'≡ch:⍺ fnop ⍵                     ⍝ { body }
        '('≡ch:⍺ subx ⍵                     ⍝ ( expr )
        '['≡ch:⍺ brkt ⍵                     ⍝ [ axis/index ]
        ch∊'.←':(ch,S)E K Q                 ⍝ dot or assign: push token marker
        ch∊':⋄┘':⍬ E K Q                    ⍝ end of expression
        ch∊'''¯',⎕D:(N,S)E K Q              ⍝ literal value
        kE val ⍺⊃toks                      ⍝ token kind from environment E
        chname:(k,S)E(K,⊂⍺ k)Q             ⍝ name:extended colour map
        (k,S)E K Q                          ⍝ uncoloured token
    }                                       ⍝ :: S E K Q ← Tokn ∇ S E K Q

    dq←{E K Q←⍵ ⋄ ⍬ 1⊃body/Q,⊂E K}          ⍝ de-queue :: K ← ∇ E K Q

    asgn←{S E K Q←⍵                         ⍝ name assignment
        ~'←'≡⊃S:⍺ tokn ⍵                    ⍝ assignment finished
        ch←⊃tok(⊃⍺)toks                   ⍝ token and initial char
        ch∊'←⎕':⍵                           ⍝ sequential assign a←b←.. or sysvar
        sparse 1↓S                         ⍝ resolved kind(x←y) → kind(y)
        chname:S(E xenv,⊂tok s)(K,⊂⍺ s)Q   ⍝ name: extended environment
        tok≡,'⍺':s(E alpha s)K Q            ⍝ ⍺←0 / ⍺←⊢
        ~ch∊'([':s E K Q                    ⍝ end of assignment: a←b: → b:
        lft exp rgt←⍺ inner'()[]'           ⍝ (exp)← or A[exp]←
        '('≡ch:⊃∇/exp,⊂⍵                    ⍝ (a b)←
        ⊃tokn/exp,⊂⍬ E K Q                  ⍝ a[x]←
    }                                       ⍝ :: S E K Q ← Tokn ∇ S E K Q

    dot←{_S E K Q←⍵                         ⍝ space ref or inner/outer product
        (⊂1↓_S),1↓⍺ toknE K Q            ⍝ kind(x.y) → kind(y)
    }                                       ⍝ :: S E K Q ← Tokn ∇ S E K Q

    subx←{                                  ⍝ parenthesised sub-expression
        lft exp rgt←⍺ inner'()[]'           ⍝ ( exp ) nesting of inner sub-exprs
        S E K Q←↑tokn/exp,⊂(⊂⍬),1↓⍵         ⍝ S is kind-stack of sub-expression
        sparse('←'≡⊃S)S                   ⍝ stack reduction to single kind
        (s,⊃⍵)E(K,lft rgts)Q              ⍝ extended stack, coloured parens
    }                                       ⍝ :: S E K Q ← Tokn ∇ S E K Q

    brkt←{S E K Q←⍵                         ⍝ []-bracketed: index or axis
        lft exp rgt←⍺ inner'()[]'           ⍝ [ exp ] nesting of inner sub-exprs
        subs←';'sepr exp                    ⍝ [ sub ; sub ; ... ]
        (S),↑expr/subs,⊂E K Q              ⍝ kind(x[y]) → kind(x)
    }                                       ⍝ :: S E K Q ← Tokn ∇ S E K Q

    nest←{                                  ⍝ ⍺-bracket nesting
        dinc(¯1*⍳⍴⍺),0                     ⍝ depth increments
        simp(⍵∊⍳⍴toks){⍺\⍺/⍵}⍵             ⍝ simple (non-nested) indices
        deps←+\dinc[⍺⍳⊃¨toks[simp]]         ⍝ ⍺ depths
        ~1∊deps:⍵                           ⍝ no ⍺s: finished
        msk←1↓∨⌿¯1⌽↑(0 1)(1 0)⍷¨⊂0,deps     ⍝ mask of outer ⍺s
        tosmsk>fmsmsk∧2|+\msk             ⍝ ends and starts of exps
        cut←1,1↓fms∨¯1⌽tos                  ⍝ mask for fold / no-fold segments
        enc←{⊂(⊃⍵)(1↓¯1↓⍵)(⊃⌽⍵)}            ⍝ '(abc)' → '(' 'abc' ')'
        ↑,/(cutmsk){enc(⊃⍺)⊢⍵}¨cut⊂⍵      ⍝ nesting and joining
    }                                       ⍝ :: [Tokn] ← ⍞ ∇ [Tokn]

    tx←{0≡≢⍵:'' ⋄ 0=≡⍵:⍵⊃toks ⋄ ∇¨⍵}        ⍝ tokens from indices
    sepr←{0≡≢⍵:⍵ ⋄ (1,1↓(tx)∊,¨⍺)⊂⍵}      ⍝ ⍺-separated segments
    name←{(0≤⎕NC⍪⍵)/⍵}⎕AV~'⍺⍵∇'             ⍝ initial chars for names
    val←{ns vs←⍺ ⋄ (ns⍳⊂⍵)vs}              ⍝ dref of name ⍵ in envt ⍺
    xenv←{ns vs←↓⍉↑⍵ ⋄ (ns)vs,¨⍺}         ⍝ envt ⍺ extended with pairs ⍵
    inner←{l toks r←⍺ ⋄ l(nest toks)r}    ⍝ nested sub-expression triple
    N F M D _F NF H MD U X Z←1+⍳11          ⍝ kind codes
    alpha←{(⊂,'⍺')((N F⍳⍵)N NF U),¨⍺}      ⍝ environment ⍺ extended with '⍺'⍵
    bkind←{D⌊2+2⊥'⍵⍵' '⍺⍺'∊tx ⍵}            ⍝ body-kind: F, M or D

    envt←⍺,¨(↓⍉↑{⍵ F}¨2031⌶7),¨{            ⍝ initial environment
        p←' ! # * + , - / < = > ? \ | ~ ¨ × ÷ ← ↑ ↓ ∊ ∘ ∧ ∨ ∩ ∪ ≠ ≡ ≢ ≤ ≥ ⊆ ⊂ ⊃ ⊖ ⊢ ⊣ ⊤ ⊥ ⌈ ⌊ ⌷ ⌸ ⌹ ⍠ ⌺ ⌶ ⌽ ⌿ ⍀ ⍉ ⍋ ⍎ ⍒ ⍕ ⍞ ⍟ ○ ⍣ ⍤ ⍥ ⍨ & @ ⍪ ⍬ ⍱ ⍲ ⍳ ⍸ ⍴ ⍵ ⍵⍵ ⍷ ⍺ ⍺⍺ ∇ ∇∇ ⎕ ⎕A ⎕AI ⎕AV ⎕CT ⎕D ⎕DM ⎕EN ⎕FNUMS ⎕IO ⎕LC ⎕LX ⎕ML ⎕NULL ⎕OPT ⎕PATH ⎕PW ⎕R ⎕RL ⎕S ⎕SE ⎕SI ⎕SM ⎕TC ⎕THIS ⎕TRAP ⎕TS ⎕WA ⎕WSID'
        k←⍎'F N F F F F H F F F F H F F M F F F F F F D F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F M F D D M F H H F F X F F N F F D D D M M D F N F F F F F N NF F N NF F MD N N  N   N   N   N  N   N   N      N   N   N   N   N     D    N     N   D  N   D  N   N   N   N   N     N     N   N   N    '
        t←~∘' '¨(1 0⍷p=' ')p               ⍝ primitive tokens
        t k,¨⍬ ⍵                            ⍝ token-kind dictionary
    }U                                      ⍝ primitive kinds (default: unknown)

    bonds kinds←{                           ⍝ bond strengths and resulting kinds
        binding pairs←1 0 1 0⊂↓⍉↑⍵          ⍝ bond/kinds and token-pairs
        masks(Z+1 1)∘∊∘⊂¨↓⍉↑pairs         ⍝ mask per specification below
        ↓¨+/↑binding×⊂masks                 ⍝ accum'd bonds and kinds per pair
    }{                                      ⍝ binding precedence definitions:
        _←,¨                                ⍝ bond _ result _ tokens _ tokens
        {                                   ⍝ bond-strengths & results:
            ⍵,7 _ N _ N _ N}{               ⍝  N ← nilad to nilad (stranding)
            ⍵,6 _ M _ D _ N F X H NF}{      ⍝  M ← D to right operand
            ⍵,5 _ F _ N F X H NF _ M}{      ⍝  F ← left operand to M
            ⍵,5 _ F _ F X H NF _ H}{        ⍝  F ← left operand to hybrid / ..
            ⍵,4 _ _F _ N _ F H}{            ⍝ _F ← left argument to function
            ⍵,4 _ X _ N _ X}{               ⍝  X ← left argument to execute (⍎)
            ⍵,4 _ N _ N _ NF}{              ⍝  N ← left arg to operand (0 ⍺⍺)
            ⍵,3 _ N _ F _F NF _ N}{         ⍝  N ← function to right argument
            ⍵,3 _ NF _ X _ N}{              ⍝ NF ← execute (⍎) to right argument
            ⍵,3 _ NF _ F X _F NF _ NF}{     ⍝ NF ← function to operand ⍺⍺ ⍵⍵
            ⍵,2 _ F _ F _F NF _ F}{         ⍝  F ← function to function (train)
            ⍵,1 _ NF _ _F _ U}{             ⍝ NF ← monadic fn to ? (1+?)
            ⍵,1 _ U _ N F X U _ U}{         ⍝  ? ← token to ? (0?)(+?)(⍎?)(??)
            ⍵,1 _ N _ U _ N}{               ⍝  N ← ? to nilad (?3)

    parse←{                                 ⍝ Bunda-Gerth parse of kinds stack
        1≡≢⍵:⊃⍵                             ⍝ single kind: done
        diff←2</2{⍺ ⍵⊃bonds}/0,⍵            ⍝ binding strength differentials
        diff∧.=0:Z                          ⍝ no peaks: failure
        posn←⌈/⍸diff                        ⍝ rightmost downward slope
        bind(2↑posn↓⍵)kinds               ⍝ binding of two tokens
        ∇(posn↑⍵),bind,(posn+2)↓⍵           ⍝ further reductions
    }                                       ⍝ :: Kind ← ∇ [Kind]

    lint←{                                  ⍝ indices for de-fluffed token vect
        chs(non←~⍵∊' ⍝')/⍵                 ⍝ non-white initial chars
        as←1 1⍷sepchs∊'⋄┘'                 ⍝ mask of adjacent separators
        sssep∧⍤1⊢¯1 1⌽'{}'∘.=chs           ⍝   ..   {⋄, {┘, ⋄} and ┘}
        op(¯1∘⌽∨⊢)'∘.'⍷chs                 ⍝ outer product: kind(∘.f)→kind(f)
        ⍸non\~∨⌿opasss                    ⍝ index vector for significant toks
    }                                       ⍝ :: [Indx] ← ∇ [⍞]

    defn←'{}'nest lint⊃¨toks                ⍝ top-level function definition
    Kdq defn expr envt ⍬ ⍬                 ⍝ token kinds

    cdict←{⍵⊃¨⊂'·NFMDfrho?!'}\(↓⍉↑K),¨⍬ 0   ⍝ colour dictionary
    colour←{(⍵⊃toks)⊢¨cdict val ⍵}          ⍝ colour vector for ⍵th token
    split←{∊¨1↓¨(1,toks∊⊂,'┘')⊂'?',⍵}       ⍝ vectors of colours per source line
    split colour¨⍳⍴toks                     ⍝ colours per source line

    ⍝    K := N|F|X|M|D|_F|NF|H|MD|U|Z      ⍝ Kind
    ⍝    S := [K]                           ⍝ Stack: vector of kinds
    ⍝    E := [Tokn] [K]                    ⍝ Environment: maps tokens to kinds
    ⍝    Q := [Body]                        ⍝ Queue of deferred fnop bodies
    ⍝ Body := [Expr]                        ⍝ vector of ⋄:┘-separated exprs
    ⍝ Expr := [Tokn]                        ⍝ Expression: vector of tokens
    ⍝ Tokn := Indx | [Tokn]                 ⍝ Indices into toks vector


test script

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